NBCC Preschool at Prestwood

  • Applications for preschool available online at  in the  School office NOW . All applicants must have:

    • Proof of address
    • Proof of vaccinations
    • Birth certificate
  • Prestwood  Elementary

    NBCC Preschool Classroom

    343 East MacArthur St, Sonoma


    www.NBCC.net    (707) 933-4050


    Program Highlights:



    Ÿ Emphasis on kinder-readiness and early literacy          

    Ÿ Highly qualified and professional teaching staff

    Ÿ Supported by the Sonoma Valley Ed Foundation

    Ÿ Strong family, school and community partnerships

    Ÿ Tuition assistance available for qualifying families

    Ÿ Garden and nutrition education

    Ÿ Morning and afternoon classes        


    Bring the following documents for enrollment:

    ü  Current months’ consecutive income statements

    ü  Birth certificate for every minor in the household

    ü  Child’s immunization record

    ü  Proof of address – utility bill



    Call Today! (707) 321-6761                  

    LIC: 493009124