NBCC Preschool at Prestwood
Applications for preschool available online at in the School office NOW . All applicants must have:
- Proof of address
- Proof of vaccinations
- Birth certificate
Prestwood Elementary
NBCC Preschool Classroom
343 East MacArthur St, Sonoma
www.NBCC.net (707) 933-4050
Program Highlights:
Emphasis on kinder-readiness and early literacy
Highly qualified and professional teaching staff
Supported by the Sonoma Valley Ed Foundation
Strong family, school and community partnerships
Tuition assistance available for qualifying families
Garden and nutrition education
Morning and afternoon classes
Bring the following documents for enrollment:
ü Current months’ consecutive income statements
ü Birth certificate for every minor in the household
ü Child’s immunization record
ü Proof of address – utility bill
Call Today! (707) 321-6761 LIC: 493009124