• Parent Teacher Organization

    Together we plan and organize many events throughout the year:

    • Salsa Party
    • Halloween Carnival
    • Fiesta Decembrina (student performances and food booths)
    • Flowery Fall Fiesta (formerly the Winter Gala)
    • Jogathon Fundraiser
    • Día del Niño (student performances and food booths)
    • Talent Show


    Please consider joining our PTO and attending a meeting! We would love your help planning or putting on one of our many events. We meet every month. Members can choose which events they would like to coordinate or suggest new activities to help build our community.  


    Flowery PTO fundraisers benefit all students. Our PTO pays for classroom supplies, garden coordinator, art teachers, field trips and the 5th grade outdoor education program.  


    What is the purpose of the PTO? To enhance the experience of every student at Flowery School.
    How do we do this? By fundraising and organizing community events (i.e. Halloween Carnival, Santa’s Secret Workshop, Gift Wrap, Turkey and Wreath sales, Book Giveaway)
    What have we accomplished in the past?

    • Help pay for field trips
    • Provide additional funds to teachers for classroom supplies
    • Sponsor the annual book giveaway
    • Pay for the Art program K-5
    • Support the 5th grade Marin Headlands trip
    • Pay for the Science in the Garden program


    Why should I be aware of this? This is your voice as a parent to expect a quality experience for your child at Flowery School. This is how we are able to educate the whole child.
    How can I help? Come to a monthly planning meeting and sign-up to help. Let your child’s teacher know you are willing to help. You WILL be contacted!


    English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

    ELAC is an opportunity for parents of English learners to meet and learn more about the English language program at Flowery. We discuss the school’s needs, progress and program development as it affects English Language Learners.  All parents are welcome and needed at these meetings throughout the year.